Week 3: Managing self-doubt as a founder
We've all been there, questioning our decisions and wondering if we're cut out for this journey. Spoiler alert: you are.
Confidence—it's a dance we do, especially as entrepreneurs. The journey of building something from scratch, of turning dreams into reality, is a rollercoaster of emotions. Self-doubt, like an uninvited guest, can sit quietly in the corners of our minds, especially in the early stages when feedback is abundant.
As someone who grew up in a humble home in Malaysia, I have always had my own struggle with self-doubt. When I was in school, I used academics as my pillar of confidence. But when I stepped into university and work-life, there were many moments where I felt out of place. University was the first time I ever travelled (that too alone) outside of Malaysia and India - I remember feeling nervous as I stepped foot into the UK in 2014. The fast escalators, the accents, looking different than others…it all felt new to me and I had many moments of self doubt that I had to manage without losing my identity as a Punjabi, Malaysian woman.
Entrepreneurship brought a new set of challenges, a barrage of feedback, and even a few naysayers. I found myself oscillating between confidence and uncertainty, a familiar yo-yo for many founders. In response, I decided to redefine how I approach self-doubt and manage it effectively. Here are some strategies that I've discovered, a blend of lessons from those around me and my own trials:
Strategies to Manage Self-Doubt in the Moment
1. Know your triggers⚡Self-doubt often stems from deep insecurities we have, as a result of past experiences and perception. Understanding yourself and your insecurities is probably the best thing you’ll ever do for yourself. It not only helps you manage self-doubt, but also gives you perspective everytime you feel down.
2. Acknowledge It, Don't Dodge It 🍵 When doubt knocks, invite it in for a cup of tea. Acknowledge it without judgment. Treat doubt as a temporary visitor, not a permanent resident.
3. Reflect on Your Wins 🌈 Take a stroll down memory lane. Remember the challenges you've conquered, the milestones you've reached, and the times when you surprised even yourself. Use these victories as anchors when doubt tries to make you drift.
4. Flip the Script on Fear 🎭 Doubt often stems from fear. Flip the script. Ask yourself, "What if I succeed beyond my wildest dreams?" Let that vision overshadow the negative whispers of doubt.
5. Break It Down, Build It Up 🔨 When doubt feels overwhelming, break your challenges into bite-sized pieces. Tackle them one by one. Progress, no matter how small, is still progress.
6. Revisit Your "Why" 💖 Reconnect with your purpose. Why did you embark on this journey in the first place? Let your "why" reignite your determination.
7. Do Things That Scare You Most 🚀 Action is the antidote to doubt. Take a deep breath and try something you’ve been putting off. Progress fuels confidence, and momentum is your best ally.
8. Celebrate Small Victories 🎉 Acknowledge and celebrate the small victories along the way. Each step forward is a triumph worth recognizing. These moments build your confidence over time.
9. Practice Self-Compassion 🌼 Be as kind to yourself as you would be to your best friend. Treat yourself with the same compassion you offer others in their moments of self-doubt.
10. And finally, just Keep Moving Forward 🌬️
Try this template out
In my journey of managing self-doubt, I’ve always found that having a ‘center of truth’ helps. A manifesto that I go back to whenever I have sprouts of self-doubt emerging. It is a combination of the above steps, distilled onto a simple page ,and is perfect to incorporate into your end-of-week reflection:
Remember, doubt doesn't define you—it's just a companion on your journey. Embrace it, learn from it, and use it as a stepping stone toward your next success.
Your prompt of the week
Think about 1 thing you’ve been wanting to try in your entrepeneurial journey but have not started because of self-doubt. Reflect on it and understand why it scares you - take it through the 10 steps we discussed above. Once it feels more familiar, write down the easiest way you can do it and hold yourself accountable to taking at least 1 step into that direction this week.
Also, I highly recommend trying out the reflection template on a weekly basis. It’s a great way to recenter yourself, especially after a hard week.
Inspirele Update
📢 Inspirele’s audacious goal for 2024 is to tell 100 DIVERSE STORIES of female founders around the world - women who've built businesses in unique, impactful ways 💡
Stay tuned here & on Instagram as we get the stories rolling - we've interviewed 15 so far, and can't wait to share their stories with you. Please help spread the word, and if you know of female founders who should feature in our #100stories mission, please email us at nareens@inspirele.com
We'd love to get in touch and learn about their journeys! To those who've shared theirs stories with us, THANK YOU for collaborating with us to inspire more unique entrepreneurial journeys!
Till we meet again next week,